
Stinkin' Thinkin'

Stinkin' Thinkin' - It's a Decision not a DIetStinkin’ Thinkin’

It’s a DECISION not a DIET

My Sister is on a quest to change her eating habits, increase her exercise and shed some pounds.  So, myself, my daughter and my Mom thought the best way to support her was to change our eating habits too.  She is spending the next 30 days eating wheat free/gluten free meals and being accountable for exercising 20 minutes each day.

I’ve had several conversations with friends sharing our upcoming challenge and I’ve heard over and over again – you can’t eat this, you can’t eat that, you are going on a diet! You have to do what?

Now that’s Stinkin’ Thinkin’ – When our thoughts have taken on an unhealthy attitude, one that is working against us instead of for us.  Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck, Psychiatrists, coined the phrase Stinkin’ Thinkin’ based on studies of their patients.  Stinkin’ Thinkin’ starts with types of negative thinking or information processing – Ellis calls these “irrational beliefs” and Beck calls them “errors in information processing.” The gist of these is that we get caught up in unrealistic ways of thinking, interpreting and perceiving ourselves and the world around us.

There are always 2 ways to view a situation – in a negative light or positive light.  Why not view the challenge of shedding a few pounds in a positive light:

 Stinkin' Thinkin' - It's a Decision not a Diet! 
*  You are making the decision to live a healthier life

*  You have decided to eliminate unhealthy foods from your meals and of course cook your meals in healthy cookware from Princess House

*  You are empowered and are committing to exercising each day.

*  You are holding yourself accountable to this decision by sharing your challenges, setbacks and triumphs with those you love.


I invite you to follow along as I post recipes, encouragement and inspiration and our triumphs.

How about you…have you made the decision to live a healthier lifestyle?

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